Just An Opinion By Jan Bergemann 
President, Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc. 

Originally Published January 22, 2008

Partially edited November 8, 2011


As expected, Mark Stern filed a MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND CLARIFICATIONchallenging the ORDER FOLLOWING EMERGENCY HEARING by DBPR arbitrator James Earl, who allowed a rigged recall conducted in bad faith to succeed. The Unit Owners Voting For Recall should be the party defending the defective recall, not the association at the expense of the unit owners!


But that didn't stop the players behind the rigged recall in The PLAYA DEL MAR from continuing their barrage of lies about the situation in this condominium under siege. Robert G. Boffa Sr., president of the board and convicted felon, (RACKETEERING) couldn't wait to have his "girlfriend" Annette Gamburg appointed to the board.


But the main question: Why does it seem to be so difficult to report about facts without violating the truth?


Best example: Fred Nesbitt in the January newsletter


It seems Nesbitt is having a serious problem getting the facts straight. But maybe the fact that he was a lobbyist explains his problems with staying with the truth. He explains that there were anonymous letters signed "Cyber Citizens For Justice"! But those letters were obviously not so anonymous for him, because he knew exactly where to call when he needed information how to do a recall of a board member: Cyber Citizens For Justice -- and he even knew the telephone number of these anonymous letter-writers! Nesbitt got detailed written instructions how to do a recall -- and you saw the result! His "RECALL LETTER" was a plain joke!


Gee, not everybody can follow written instructions! It must be really difficult to follow simple guidelines and use pre-printed forms -- especially when you were a lobbyist?


In the newsletter Fred Nesbitt is quoted as saying: "Board members must be held to a higher standard than the ordinary person. Their character and behavior should be "beyond reproach". (end quote)


Considering that Nesbitt can't even get simple facts straight, he should disqualify himself from running for the board of directors of PDM. But he was the first on the list of candidates for the upcoming election, showing clearly that his "strong concern" for the welfare of the owners of Playa del Mar during the recall had an ulterior motive: His eagerness to increase his "social standing" by being a DIRECTOR OF THE BOARD. But what good is a director for the unit owners who has shown that he doesn't have the slightest knowledge about regulations and statutes?


Regarding Daniel Lecht: Yes, he had been a member of CCFJ.  He joined our organization on October 18, 2006 -- just in time to work with a group of Playa del Mar owners on the issues for the upcoming election. He knew that his chances to be elected to the board would be more or less ZERO if he would openly run on the Pro-Boffa ticket. So he joined the Anti-Boffa slot and got elected -- deceiving the voters. Immediately after the election, Lecht showed his true colors, helping to vote in Boffa as president. Actually, Playa del Mar has to thank Daniel Lecht for having Boffa as president. 


In the newsletter Daniel Lecht was quoted as saying (quote): "that he made a mistake in joining and supporting these groups but has nothing to do with them now!" Actually, he had used the membership in these groups to deceive voters and gain the trust of these voters to get their votes in the board elections. An e-mail sent by me to Daniel Lecht makes it very clear what really happened. 


CCFJ, Inc. finally removed Daniel Lecht from the membership roster. We have no use for turn-coats.


"Assistant Secretary" (obviously a title created in Boffa's imagination -- bylaws don't mention such a title) Michael Demonia, who is, according to his resume for last year's election, an engineer and an expert in conflict resolution, clearly is not the expert he claimed to be. Since he is on the board of directors, the conflicts in PDM have seriously increased. His expertise in engineering obviously failed him when ordering the patio furniture that is so light that even a little bit of wind blew it away and sand had to be injected into the frame in order to stop the furniture from flying around. His supervision of the asphalt that was put in front of the building obviously lacked substance -- the asphalt created serious bubbles -- and why order awnings if the structure supposed to hold these awnings are not sound enough to hold them? Any other expertise required to serve on the board of directors of PDM?


The newsletter tried to picture Betty Cholst as a neutral person, who only "acted on behalf of owners as a neutral and fair person who would safeguard owners' ballots". 


Again far from the truth! She signed a recall petition and signed the petition as the owners' representative. Now, do you call that neutral?


Actually, the board or the association was never served with a lawsuit from Mark Stern. Mark Stern sued very specific people who slandered his name -- rightfully so! But these people are now trying to have the association pay for the cost of their misrepresentation of facts. As you could see from arbitration documents, these same people are now trying to have Randall Roger defend the faulty recall -- who will charge the association with the cost of this recall -- and his hourly rate is pretty outrageous! You might want to check his monthly billings how much association money was already wasted on this political recall -- or recall coup d’état. Actually, Mark Stern is the one fighting against these "concerned owners" charging the association with the upcoming cost for the recall arbitration. Mark Stern motioned the arbitrator to make the same people defend the recall who filed it -- not the association. Let them pay for the cost -- not the unit owners!


But that seems to be the motto with the Boffa-board: Let's do what we want and let the unit owners pay for our mistakes!


The newsletter ends with the statement: "To our knowledge, PDM owners never recalled a board member before."

Let me add, PDM never before had a board president who was convicted of racketeering, with obvious connections to the Cosa Nostra -- see court records!


It seems that the editor of the newsletter strayed pretty far from the truth, making it more a propaganda flyer at the expense of the unit owners than an informative newsletter. After searching the pages of the newsletter I actually found some truth: The Title!


Many owners seem to forget that Boffa's conviction was not a slip of a teenager, who robbed a gas station to impress his girlfriend. It was the crime of an adult, who was raised in this environment, and knew fully well what he was doing.  


Normally "convicted felon" and "lobbyist" are not on top of the list of "professions" favored as board directors by condo owners. The upcoming election uses secret ballots -- no more excuses: Boffa "twisted my arm" and/or “I signed so he left me alone.”   Playa del Mar's condo owners can vote, and if they vote for the "convicted felon" and the "lobbyist," they can't complain later if something goes seriously wrong with their finances!


Just think about it: You usually get what you ask for!