Honorable Governor, Dear Senators Cowin and Geller, First of all : thank you, Governor, for your statement regarding flying the American flag in homeowners' associations, issued 9 -16 -2001. It definitely has been applauded all over the nation and is still mentioned in the media. Thank you so much! Senators, you have proposed bills regarding
these issues - SB 148 and SB 150.
But even all announcements and bill-proposals doesn't stop the industry from making new cases against homeowners. Please see newest case from Tampa below! The industry is openly displaying total disregard for homeowners' rights and as long as you, our elected officials, are unwilling to provide the necessary oversight and enforcement, the industry will be unwilling to obey by the rules. In an official statement the CAI (Community Association Institute - the industries trade organization) suggested to the many associations they influence to limit these modifications to their rules for six month before getting back to the old system. Violation-notices, fines and law-suits! It shows clearly that their initial statement is just to appease public opinion. Will flying "Old Glory" be limited to 6 month? Is there a time-limit to display patriotism? You may have heard or read that Senators in AZ are pushing for a Reform Task Force for Mandated Properties, the same our organization is pushing for in Florida, in connection with the flag-issue. The reaction among CAI executives showed the clear disregard the industry has for the common homeowner, your constituents. Here are some of the comments of CAI executives about creating a task force from very recent e-mails : "letting a legislator loose on this subject, backed by the testimony of the disgruntled homeowners" was only topped by a Florida CAI official who stated :"We had exactly the same problem in Florida in 1996 and CAI/FLA did a lousy job of combating it. However, four years later the damage has been repaired." With other words: the industry is considering the work of Florida legislators in 95/96 "DAMAGE"! Senator Cowin has first hand experience with unhappy - the industry calls them "disgruntled" - homeowners. Her district has many examples for abuses of homeowners living in associations. The list of complaints is nearly endless and is very often not limited to civil law. Since recent town hall-meetings the problems have even increased. As long as homeowners living in mandated properties are treated as step-children of society here in Florida, the abuses by the industry will continue. These constituents need the support of the government and the protection necessary. Many of these are retirees and veterans who live on a limited budget and can't afford to fight the deep-pocket industry in lengthy court-battles. Please help many of your constituents in
need and support the Proposed Act :
Your help will be greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. With best regards Jan Bergemann
Reprint of Article Tampa Tribune, Courtesy of Tampa Tribune Copyrights Tampa Tribune Patriotism Collides With
Rules On Yards
WESLEY CHAPEL - As a decorated World War
II veteran, Louis Hofmann knows the rules on properly displaying the American
flag. What he and wife Joan didn't know, however, was the rule the Grand
Oaks Master Homeowners Association has about erecting flagpoles. About
a week after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Hofmanns sunk a 15-foot,
aluminum flagpole in a corner of their yard in this central Pasco County
community. Tuesday, the association ordered the Hofmanns to take down the
pole and ask in writing where it can be placed.
For further interesting material regarding these issues, please look at : What is wrong in our Country? Finally Change of Politics? DID THE CAI FINALLY CAVE IN ? PUBLIC NEWS CC : Florida Senators, Florida House Representatives Florida Media and Newsletters All interested Parties All Florida Citizens living in Mandated Properties |