This latest ruling by Circuit Court Judge Catherine Brunson (Please mark this name in big letters for the next time she is on the ballot!) is a slap in the face not only of the wide majority of the public, but as well in the face of the Governor and all our State legislators who passed Senate Bill SB 148 in the last session. Despite warnings of many citizens the legislature didn't add the words flag pole and/or bracket, which comes now back to haunt the involved parties. But nevertheless, this ruling is a clear sign that some of our judges are obviously not interested in legislative opinions or much less public opinions. The good thing is the fact that even judges are elected officials and she will be up for election again one day. She is not listed on the November ballot, in that case the ruling would have possibly been different. These kind of elected officials seem to count on the short memory of the voters in this country. And yes, they are often correct! But in this case we all should definitely make a big note and remember the name Catherine Brunson. I already pledge a campaign donation to the person opposing her in the next campaign. I can be sure that she will not rule that her opponents bank account can be seized, like she did with the account of the donations for George Andres defense. Let's see if the Governor will do something about the fact that this judge clearly undermined his authority. Or if the office of the General Attorney will do something to enforce the will of the legislature and the people. This abuse of our freedom has to stop, right now! We can't be bullied by self-righteous judges or boards of homeowners' associations! This is just my opinion assumingly protected by our Constitution. How much is our Constitution still worth in the eyes of some of our judges? Good luck in the Appeals Court! Hopefully there Common Sense will prevail! |