Fight over the American flag

Article and Video Courtesy of Fox News

Published March 5, 2012

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A local man is fighting for his right to fly Old Glory at his Southside home.

But his Homeowners Association says he doesn't have that right. They've not only slapped him with a thousand dollars fine, but added penalties to make his life difficult. He can no longer use the clubhouse on the property, which he pays dues for every month.


Neighbors came out to support Larry Murphree in his fight to publicly display an American flag outside his home. Larry's Homeowners Association says it violates the rules. "He referred to it as an unauthorized object. That pushed me over the edge," said Murphree.

The HOA slapped him with a 1000 dollar fine. Larry says he's not going to pay it. "What they're doing is against state and federal law," said Murphree.

Friday, the HOA suspended Larry's privileges at the community center. Larry's attorney then warned the HOA, it'll be getting a federal lawsuit. "No HOA 

can take away the right to display the flag. It's a U.S. Flag," said attorney Gust Sarris.

We tried to talk with the HOA about the decision. We were told to leave.

Neighbors were still riled up about the decision. They all agree, it's an American flag displayed proudly to support our troops and veterans like Larry. 


"Got a son-in-law puts life on the line everyday and I can't display a flag?"

Larry isn't the only one with this problem. Several other neighbors say they've received the same threats from the HOA about American flags, even Christmas lights on their property. They just didn't fight it.

Neighbors are also taking up a legal fund to help with the costs. So far it's up to more than 200 dollars.

There is no court date yet for when that federal lawsuit will be heard.