Over the years many people have tried to “fix the problems that riddle HOAs with all their inherent problems. One of these people is none other than Jan Bergemann. Jan is the founder and president of the FLorida based Cyber Citizens for Jystice. He is also the go to guy for homeowners with problems in their asociations, be they HOAs or condos. People who are wondering, “what do I do now?”. A good place to start is Cyber Citizens for Justice -- and Jan. Jan will steer them in the right direction and demystify the demands that are being made of the owners.
Jan Bergemann joins us "On The Commons".
Host Shu Bartholomew and GuestJan Bergemann discuss the recent events in Florida: The Boca View Condominiums record-inspection lawsuits and the arrest of five board members of the Hammock Community Association, Inc., accused of embezzling more than $2million. But it again comes down to this: Laws are only as good as the enforcement -- and enforcement is totally missing in Florida, because the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes is just a joke!