Article Courtesy of The Daily Business Review
By Nicole R. Kurtz
Published August 25, 2019
Technology has been the focus of many recent changes to
Florida laws, including those that now allow community associations to implement
electronic voting and require condominium associations with 150 units or more to
have a website containing digital copies of certain official records. These
changes have led many of the more than 49,000 community associations in the
state to consider how they are using technology to help facilitate their
operations and comply with the state laws.
The condominium association website laws mandate that compliant websites should
have been operational as of Jan. 1 of this year. The laws call for association
websites that are accessible only to unit owners and employees where certain
notices, records and documents are posted. These must include the declaration of
condominium, bylaws, articles of incorporation, rules and regulations of the
association, as well as all executory contracts or documents to which the
association is a party, or under which the association or unit owners have an
obligation or responsibility.
Condominium association websites must also feature the association’s annual
budget and proposed annual budget; financial reports; monthly income or expense
statements; copies of bids, or summaries of bids, exceeding $500; association
meeting notices, and board member certification forms.
Since 2015, electronic voting has been a technological tool permitted by state
law for both condominium and homeowners associations. Boards of directors that
wish to implement and authorize an Internet-based voting system for any
owner-required vote must first adopt a resolution supporting it at a properly
noticed meeting. Once approved by the board, electronic voting may be used for
any owner-required vote, as determined on a case-by-case basis at the board’s
discretion. Associations must provide owners with notice of the opportunity to
vote through an online voting system, and they must also establish reasonable
procedures and deadlines for owners to provide written consent for their
participation in online voting or to opt out of it after giving consent.
The electronic voting systems implemented by associations must be able to
authenticate owners’ identities and receive ballots in a manner that ensures
their secrecy and integrity. For board elections, the owner-identifying
information must be separated from each ballot to render it impossible to tie
authenticated ballots to specific owners. The systems must also be able to store
and keep electronic votes accessible for recount, inspection and review
The Florida laws governing association websites and electronic voting are very
specific as to the requirements that these new tools must meet for compliance.
While there are several national providers of electronic voting systems that
market their services for community associations, these platforms are not
focused specifically on Florida community associations, so boards of directors
interested in implementing electronic voting using them should first consult
with association counsel to determine whether they meet the standards set by the
state laws.
Florida-specific electronic voting platforms for associations are also now
beginning to appear. One platform that several of our firm’s clients have turned
to is ONR app (, pronounced “owner”), which uses an online
application-based system to offer associations electronic voting as well as
e-surveys, alerts and notifications on a secure platform. The Miami-based
technology startup also offers association website implementation and
In addition to the cost-efficiency and increased election turnout benefits
stemming from electronic voting, the company behind the ONR app believes the
smartphone application’s ability to easily and affordably create and distribute
owner surveys on topics ranging from major renovation projects to prospective
new equipment for the fitness center makes it a game changer for associations.
There is no doubt that electronic voting, surveys and website platforms can help
associations maximize transparency and voter turnout, in addition to providing
owners with a voice on important decisions. As long as the proper vetting takes
place with association counsel to ensure that these tools and platforms meet the
standards required by Florida laws, they can quickly become invaluable for
associations. |