Article Courtesy of Boca
News Now
Published August 1, 2020
DELRAY BEACH — A Federal lawsuit is seeking $7M from the Seven Bridges
Homeowners Association — as well as a homeowner — as a family claims it was
harassed, discriminated against, and told to move to a “Ku Klux Klan”
The suit claims that a female homeowner — named in the filing which you can
download below — took part in a repeated pattern of harassment, including
phone calls, text messages, doorbell ringing and more. According to the
suit, the homeowner posted to Facebook about the plaintiff: “Move out you
stupid Shiksa!” And “(she) is a true anti-semite.”
The adult plaintiffs claim that their children were also harassed.
When then plaintiffs posted to Facebook about the alleged harassment, and
complained to the Seven Bridges Homeowners Association, the suit states that
the HOA turned on them — attempting to limit their free speech under what
the suit suggests is questionable language in the homeowner’s association
documents. The suit also states that the husband of the homeowner accused of
harassment sits on the Seven Bridges Compliance Committee.
The Federal lawsuit states that there is a recording of the female
homeowner, yelling at the plaintiffs: “You moved in somewhere which is 80
percent Jewish and you do not belong here.”
“Move to a Klan neighborhood, that’s where you need to move, to a white
supremacist area.”
“If I was hated as much as you I would move out.”
“I would not want to live where I could not walk out with everybody looking
at me like I’m f…ing crazy and that is the current situation whether you
like or not.”
“Move the f..k out. It’s over for you.”
The suit claims that the Seven Bridges HOA, by allegedly not taking
significant action, violated The Federal Fair Housing Act which states: “it
is unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten or interfere with any person in
the exercise or enjoyment of any right granted by the Fair Housing Act. The
suit also alleges that the harassment violates 42 U.S.C. § 3604(b) and 42
U.S.C. § 3617 by discriminating on the basis of their religion and
intentionally inflicting emotional distress.
The suit was filed by attorney Scott Weires of the Murdoch Weires law firm
in Boca Raton.
Again, we stress that lawsuits are allegations and not statements of facts.