Article Courtesy of Boca New
By Andrew Colton
Published January 11, 2021
DELRAY BEACH — Emails obtained by suggest the president of the
Seven Bridges Delray Beach Homeowners Association secretly accessed confidential
voting information, then used that information to target homeowners who had not
yet voted in the association’s election held last week. The community’s property
management company then apparently tried to cover it up.
Association elections are serious in Florida, overseen by a division of the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
Larry Orbach, with no public explanation provided to homeowners in the high
profile 800 house community, resigned his position on the eve of the election,
then dropped out of the race.
Emails obtained by show what could be interpreted as a cover-up
that involved Campbell Property Management’s on-site employee, Heidi Womack.
Womack called for a Zoom meeting with the candidates on December 13, 2020 — two
days before Election Day – writing:
Good afternoon.
I will be holding a brief candidate meeting this evening related to the
election. The meeting will be held at 8:00 pm tonight on Zoom. Below is the link
for the meeting. This is only for candidates.
Thank you.
Heidi Womack
That led a candidate to email a request for the agenda, to which Womack wrote
Subject: Re: Important Candidate
Warning – External Email (Use Caution)
There is no agenda. This is just information for the candidates.
Heidi Womack
During the meeting, according to those familiar with the events, Womack told all
candidates that Orbach had accessed the community’s allegedly secure online
voting system to determine standings in the final days of the race. He allegedly
shared that information with some, but not all, of the other candidates.
Emails obtained by suggest that a conversation ensued about
Orbach resigning, then keeping the information about the reason for his
resignation private.
Wrote one candidate in an email:
I agree that this letter from Larry
removing himself should occur prior to the vote. I realize the difficulty of the
position. However sending the letter now allows more leeway in explanation. As
time goes by the narrative becomes more difficult.
I would appeal to Larry’s better angels to do the right thing and remove himself
now as all the candidates have requested.
A request by another candidate for legal intervention by the community’s
attorneys was apparently disregarded. That candidate wrote in an email that
Womack, the property manager, told all candidates to “not discuss the
I know you asked everyone to not discuss the information shared tonight on the
Zoom call. Sharing what Larry did with the other candidates alone, does not
excuse his actions whether they were done unintentionally or not. He knowingly
accessed the Simply Voting dashboard which no other candidate has access to,
which calls into question what else he knows and what else his is doing with the
I do not know exactly what I am going to do at this point, if anything. However,
at a minimum, I believe it is appropriate for all of the candidates who wish to
participate, to have a zoom call with our outside attorney to better understand
what actions might be appropriate, if any. At a minimum, Larry’s actions and
behavior call into question the integrity of this election which is not what
anyone signed up for. His actions prior to this incident have only served to
polarize our community. I believe we need to address whether Larry should step
aside which, in my opinion, would restore trust to this election process and,
importantly, enable the new board to behave as a more cohesive unit to better
serve our community.
The foregoing issues represent my concerns as a candidate believing in fairness
and ethics for the benefit of our community. This community will lose if the new
board is unable to work as a cohesive unit with a high level of trust and
respect for one another.
I hate to put you in the hot seat, however, I believe you are doing all you can
to follow the rules and maintain the integrity of the election process. By
copying all of the candidates on this email, I am asking them to contact you
with any concerns they have regarding these latest events and to let you know if
they would like to participate on the zoom call with our HOA attorney. With only
two days till the election meeting, I would like to schedule the call ASAP.
Wrote another candidate to Womack, asking for full disclosure to the community:
I had some additional time to think about this and would like to know when Heidi
became aware of the issue and how she became aware of the issue and if she spoke
with the attorney. I would also like to have the vendor in question meet with us
today so we can see the IP logs etc..
I find it odd on a Sunday night prior to the election this issue would “pop” up
and we all need to be certain. I also would like the information shared with the
community prior to the vote.
Another candidate wrote this:
I find it very disappointing and disturbing that that one candidate – the
incumbent president – has access to information that no other candidate has and
can (or did) use it to gain an unfair advantage in an election.
It’s simply not acceptable and throws the integrity of the election process into
This community has been through enough drama and scandal already and a tainted
election would be blood in the water for the sharks within our community and
those who love to write negatively about it.
While I personally like Larry and believe him to be a good person, I think his
actions in this election process raise more questions than answers regarding his
conduct and I am formally requesting that Larry withdraw his name from
Womack’s only communication with the community about the alleged impropriety was
an email in which she announced that Larry Orbach was resigning and removing
himself from the race. This email was transmitted on Election Day.
Dear Seven Bridges Homeowners,
I just received the email below from Larry Orbach.
Heidi Womack
Property Manager
Dear Seven Bridges Residents,
After much thought, I have decided not to continue to serve on our Board.
Therefore effective immediately, I am withdrawing my name from my candidacy at
this election.
I wish the new Board great success and will make myself available to them for
any questions that may arise.
Larry Orbach
Neither Heidi Womack nor Larry Orbach responded to a request for comment
Wednesday morning from It was not immediately clear if the
election results, recently “certified” by Campbell Property Management, would be
thrown out now that this information has become public. All candidates have also
been contacted for comment. Whether this rises to the level of intervention from
the State of Florida through its Division of Florida Condominiums — part of the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation — is unclear. The agency does
have jurisdiction over election issues.
Seven Bridges remains a defendant in a $7M Federal Housing Discrimination
lawsuit brought by a homeowner who claims she was sanctioned by the Board of
Directors for, among other allegations, posting negative comments about the
community and Board members on social media. She says she was singled out by the
Board for not being Jewish. A Federal Judge this month declined to dismiss the
lawsuit. Depositions are underway with a trial date scheduled for March.
UPDATE: 10:20 p.m. Wednesday, December 23, 2020: While Campbell Property
Management, which oversees Seven Bridges, never responded to a series of
questions posed by Wednesday morning, assistant community
manager Jennifer Hall issued an email to the community this evening. One section
included a statement claiming that reported that the vote count
was altered. We did not. Although anyone voting for Larry Orbach was not given a
chance to vote for someone else.
On a separate issue: Hall claims that the “old” Board of Directors, overseen by
President Larry Orbach, asked attorneys how the Board should handle the election
that became problematic due to actions taken by Larry Orbach. Again, Campbell
Property Management did not respond to questions posed prior to the publication
of this article, nor did Campbell Property Management instruct the Association’s
attorneys to contact to provide a statement or answer questions.
From Hall’s email:
“As with many matters involving the Association, outside counsel was consulted
by the old board prior to the close of the election and afterward by the new
board to ensure that we were proceeding in a way that complied with election
protocols under these circumstances. To clarify an error in the article, the
election count was certified by community volunteers and observed by the
Association’s attorneys, not by management. There is no question as to the vote
count received by each candidate.”’s response: A Campbell Property Management representative sat
feet away, on a video feed, as people were seen counting votes. Campbell
Property Management did not respond to our request for comment.
Campbell Property Management is also placing blame on “Simply Voting,” the
electronic (online) voting system, but seemingly not accepting responsibility
for the local management of the voting process.
Again, from Hall:
“Upon learning of certain improprieties, all seven candidates requested that
Larry withdraw as a candidate for reelection. Given his years of service to the
community, the candidates felt that it was only proper to allow Larry to
withdraw on his own accord. A troubling issue is that the electronic voting
software used in this election, Simply Voting, was supposed to prohibit access
to voting results and data during the election process. This was apparently not
the case and, while we are looking into how this happened, we will undoubtedly
be changing our electronic voting provider to one that ensures that no access to
voter information can ever be obtained prior to the close of the voting period.”