Article Courtesy of Boca
News Now
By Andrew Colton
Published December 22, 2020
DELRAY BEACH — Seven Bridges homeowner Rachel Tannenholz is no longer a
defendant in the Federal lawsuit brought by another homeowner against her
and the Seven Bridges Homeowners Association.
“It’s huge for us,” said an elated Debbie Klingsberg, attorney for
Tannenholz. “We’re done. This is what we had been hoping for all along.
Complete vindication that she didn’t belong in this case.”
The ongoing lawsuit stems from allegations made by Seven Bridges Homeowner
Deborah LaGrasso that several “tennis league” women verbally assaulted her
children while playing tennis on the community’s tennis courts.
LaGrasso was accused of physically attacking one of the women, although
there is apparently no video evidence that proves whether or not a physical
altercation took place. The incident led to sanctions against LaGrasso by
the HOA. Several months later, after LaGrasso is believed to have posted her
opinions about the HOA on an anonymous Facebook page, LaGrasso and
Tannenholz allegedly made derogatory comments about the other on social
media. The HOA once again sanctioned LaGrasso, including for writing
anti-Semitic and derogatory comments online. When LaGrasso complained to the
HOA about Tannenholz, however, the Board of Directors did not sanction her.
Among the complaints allegedly ignored by the Board: LaGrasso’s claim that
Tannenholz told her to move to a community that isn’t primarily Jewish.
LaGrasso filed a federal lawsuit claiming religious discrimination by the
HOA and intentional infliction of emotional distress by Tannenholz. She
argued it’s unfair that she, as a non-Jew, was sanctioned while Tannenholz
was not. While the lawsuit continues against the Seven Bridges Homeowners
Association, Federal Judge David Middlebrooks said that Tannenholz is not a
proper party to the “Fair Housing Act” discrimination lawsuit. LaGrasso’s
claims against her were dismissed.
“The allegations against Rachel Tannenholz just aren’t true,” said
Klingsberg. “She hasn’t really been able to scream at the top of her lungs
to say it isn’t true.”
An attorney for Deborah LaGrasso did not immediately respond to a request
for comment from
Earlier this week, reported that Judge Middlebrooks refused
to dismiss the case against the Seven Bridges Homeowners Association. While
such a decision is routine at this stage of litigation, several legal
experts told that the Judge’s decision — and his language —
suggested that Middlebrooks wasn’t convinced that the HOA didn’t make
errors. Our experts pointed to Middlebrooks choosing to have both sides
endure the cost of depositions and discovery instead of dismissing the case
at this point.
Our reporting frustrated George Kramer — an attorney who sat on the Seven
Bridges Board of Directors until the end of his term this week. Kramer told that anyone who interprets the judge’s words as a negative
for the HOA is mistaken and doesn’t understand that the judge must assume
that a Plaintiff’s facts are true until they are proven otherwise. Kramer
said the focus should be on language from Middlebooks that calls into
question the strength of LaGrasso’s religious discrimination claim. He
believes the case is heading for dismissal.
“Any experienced attorney reading the judge’s decision would conclude that
it is a very weak case, barely surviving a motion to dismiss, where a judge
is required to accept everything alleged by the Lagrassos as true,” wrote
Kramer who does not represent the Seven Bridges HOA as a lawyer. “That will
not be the case when the HOA files a motion for summary judgment.”
Kramer is on the deposition list for the case. You can read a complete list
of all parties that either have — or will be — deposed, below.
Even if the federal lawsuit comes to a close before its scheduled trial date
in March, the battle in Seven Bridges will continue. Tannenholz is suing
Deborah LaGrasso in State court for defamation, libel and malicious
prosecution. The Seven Bridges Homeowners Association is not a defendant in
that case.
For the two deposition lists please click below.