An Opinion By Jan Bergemann 
President, Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc. 

Published June 1, 2010


IT'S ALL IN THE FAMILY! And it surely sounds good to proclaim FAMILY VALUES as a top priority, trying to tell others how to live their lives. But there is a huge difference between preaching it and living it. How else can you explain "EXHIBITION A" of a TEMPORARY INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?



          I am in eminent fear for my life to the point that I have fled out of town temporarily and am scared to return to my residence. I filed for divorce almost 5 months ago. At the time of filing for divorce, my Husband left the house and elected to live at another residence because of his position with the Senate and his fears about our reputation. However, since that time, he has continued to stalk me almost to the point that I am in constant, ongoing fear for my life and safety of my friends and family. He has indicated that would ensure that I did not finish this divorce alive and that he will continue to follow me until it was all over. My Husband has (or caused some one to) attempted to break into my office (police were called), my computer hacked (investigation with FDLE is underway), my house bugged, my phone hacked, and up to last week, someone was beating on the back door of my house at almost midnight just to cause me to be totally in fear.


          Further, I have been repeatedly followed and have had to hire individuals for my ongoing protection. My family and friends (in and out of Florida) have been followed by what appears to be either my Husband or people he has hired to cause great distress on them. My corporate office in Washington, DC has been threatened if they did tell him where I was staying (December, 2009).


          My Husband is capable of doing anything, including great bodily harm to me, because of the divorce case and criminal investigations in which I am a witness. I have great concerns for my friends and family and most of all myself. My Husband can be extremely explosive and violent especially when under the influence of alcohol and is capable of doing anything. I am very concerned that he will also cause our animals harm because of his anger towards me and he is aware that I love them very much. Our marriage has been emotionally volatile and he has been extremely verbally abusive and on at least one occasion physical with me.


          I am seeking immediately Court intervention because I am at the point where I believe that I am in grave harm and that this situation is explosive after last night. I need to return to my house but am unable to do so without the Court's intervention and protection. Tallahassee Police Department were called to my house. According to friends and witnesses, my Husband proceeded to ransack the house after the police left. I would request an immediate injunction for my protection and safety. He is capable of anything at this point. I do not have family in this area and am requesting additional security assistance. Further, he has repeatedly told me that he isn't scared of the Court or cops, and win finish this his way.


This was submitted to the court on May 21, 2010 by Claudia Davant, former wife of Florida Senate Majority (Republican) Leader Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla, one of the most powerful Republicans in the Senate.  Alex is a man who usually preaches “family values.”  What I read in Exhibition A is in my opinion rather the opposite of what he is preaching. Wouldn't you agree? 

Even if Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla immediately denied the claims made in this Temporary Injunction and called the allegations "bold-face lies," we all know the old saying: "Where there is smoke, there is fire!" We all know about divorce cases, but even if only 50% of the allegations are true, this person shouldn't be a Florida senator.

Actually, his term will be up in November.  But in order to keep the special interest money in the family, his brother Miguel is running for the District 36 Senate seat.  And while Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla was selling his constituents to special interest in exchange for campaign funds for brother Miguel, brother Miguel was working as a lobbyist to collect the special interest money for the family.

Here is Miguel de la Portilla’s latest lobbying adventure. Miguel is trying to sell an eight-story apartment building near Downtown Dadeland to the council -- against the will of the citizens that live in the neighborhood. Just read the interesting parts of the article:

  Kendall residents concerned over proposed Dadeland apartment building

Miami Herald, May 20, 2010

"This area could use a face-lift,'' said attorney and former Miami-Dade county commissioner Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, who represented the property owner.

Diaz de la Portilla suggested that the area west of the Palmetto near Downtown Dadeland would benefit from an upgrade and that this project would create a "boom.''

"This will be a good thing for the area,'' Diaz de la Portilla told the council.

But this is what nearby residents had to say:

"We don't want more congestion, more traffic, more density; what we want is to preserve the integrity of our neighborhood,'' said Daniza Perez, board member of the Kingston Square Condo Association, which represents a complex directly across the street from The Colony.

"This is a low-rise community, a highly residential community; there are trees,'' Perez said. "What we don't want is more traffic. Please, we have to live here.''

I would strongly suggest that the above examples clearly show where the Diaz de La Portilla brothers are really coming from. They preach one thing, but their actions and words show their true colors!  Obviously, they have no quarrel with using their elected offices for personal gain.

Currently, Miguel Diaz de la Portilla is the "bagman" (officially called lobbyist) for the family. Senator Alex uses the power of his elected office to make Miguel a "successful" lobbyist and Alex intends to make Miguel his "successor" in office. Because of term limits, they want to trade places in November.  Then Alex will be the "bagman" -- while Miguel wants to hold office in a seat bought and paid for by special interest!

Voters don’t need a family that has proven over and over again that their friends are special interest!  Voters in Senate District 36 should make sure that they will be represented in the future by a senator who listens to the constituents.   


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