Opinion By Jan Bergemann Published October 9, 2007 Everybody
in the know about homeowners' associations is aware of all the cheating going
on at the annual elections -- just to keep the "sitting" boards in
power. But
so far,
I guess after seeing the ruling of the mandatory binding arbitration Tankel might want to eat his own words?
The arbitrator in his SUMMARY FINAL ORDER makes it pretty obvious who is right -- and who was totally confused. His words are very clear (quote): "This case presents an extreme example in which the losing candidate had produced the original ballots."
This ruling clearly shows that the board members trying to overthrow the results of this election had no legal leg to stand on after their intimidation tactic didn't work! David Parker, the elected director, went through with the
arbitration process and was successful. Hopefully,
our legislators see cases like this and realize that much stricter legislation
is necessary to stop election fraud in our homeowners' associations. Not every
owner who is being cheated out of his rightful seat on the board is willing --
and able -- to stand up for his/her rights and fight a buddy-board supported
by a willing attorney using the association dues to fight their own statute
violations. Especially many of our
elderly citizens can be intimidated enough to give up when threatened with
costly litigation. Board members who are willing to cheat should as well pay
for it! As long as they are allowed to use association funds to cheat their
neighbors, we will see no end to these board members’ shenanigans! This documentation should as well show the members of the East Linden Estates Homeowners' Association what kind of directors they elected -- and how their dues are being wasted! If elections often don't work -- RECALLS DO!
With money in short supply due to the huge increase of living expenses, we owners just can't afford boards with special agendas wasting our money!