As you all seen, heard and read the last election created a big argument about the way elections are being held in our state of Florida. In response to the many criticism the Governor Jeb Bush created with EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 00-349 the Select Election Task Force. You find all the necessary information regarding this Task Force on the WebPages ( please click below on their Logo ).
A lot of articles have been written, law suits been fought and jokes been cracked about these elections. 
It is imperative to find a way to make elections fool-proof - or minimum come close to it - in order to avoid similar disasters like the last election, which has definitely cost the tax-payers huge amounts of money, just considering the following litigation!
It's definitely good politics to send commissions to foreign countries to supervise their elections, if you are unable to conduct elections in your own country without having the highest Courts involved.
It should be the obligation of this Task Force to find a way to conduct proper elections in the future without having half the attorneys and judges of the state getting involved. Elections are one of the most important issues to guarantee DEMOCRACY !