Homeowners associations at odds over placement of Tymber Skan residents

Article and Video Courtesy of WFTV Channel 9 Orlando

By Ryan Hughes

Published August 12, 2015



Two homeowner's associations at the troubled Tymber Skan apartment complex are at odds over whether residents need to leave.

The county has already condemned eight buildings and plans to condemn 11 more in the coming year.

A letter from a local attorney to city commissioners said residents should be able to stay because leaders have no legal authority over the place, even though it's run down.

The Tymber Skan community on Rio Grande Avenue is crime-ridden and crumbling, residents said.

Orange County leaders want to level it, but late Wednesday Channel 9 obtained a copy of a letter from a local law firm that says leveling it is not an option.
Residents are represented by two homeowner's associations and one known as Section Two wants residents to stay, even though another HOA advises people to move out so it can be repaired.

“I don't think they should throw the residents out because the residents (didn’t) do nothing wrong,” said resident Kim London.

London has been a resident for 12 years, and even though the father of her baby girl was killed at Tymber Skan last month, she said she’s not going anywhere.

“You can clean up a neighborhood,” London said.


Residents complain that Tymber Skan is the way it is because people came in from the outside and destroyed the place.

Lorenzo Pinkston is the president of an HOA that wants its residents to move to better housing, as the county figures out what to do.

He thinks the HOAs should tell their tenants to leave, so it can be cleaned up.

“Our initiative coming in is to bring law and order to Tymber Skan by unifying all the sections,” he said.

But attorneys representing Section Two said there's no legal authority for county leaders or anyone else to force people to leave.

The plan is to eventually repair the troubled complex.

There is still no word if or when that will happen.