---------------------- Proposed Resolution --------------------




       Whereas; on September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four commercial aircraft, crashing two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, another into the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C.; and another in the fields of Southwest Pennsylvania wherein passengers fought with the terrorists to prevent further distruction at the expense of their lives; 

       Whereas; thousands of innocent people were killed and injured as a 
result of those attacks; and

       Whereas; the Congress of the United States passed a Resolution 
encouraging every American community to display the American flag as 
remembrance of the lives lost and the solidarity of purpose in our 

       Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the 
[Insert name of the Community ] that:

   1. The American flag can be displayed in a respectful manner by owners whenever they choose to do so. No restriction contained in the governing documents prohibiting the display of the American flag shall be enforced against any resident of this community.

   2. However, a free-standing, portable and/or removable flagpole shall not be erected in the front, side or rear yard of a homeowners parcel until appropriate resolutions are drafted by the Board of Directors to amend the governing documents and ALL owners have an opportunity to vote on the issue of installation of free-standing poles.

   3. During the next meeting of the BOD's the board shall adopt resolutions to amend governing documents permitting the display of the American flag, thusly; 

           (a) The board shall adopt a resolution to amend governing  documents to permit the display of the American flag from a bracket attached to the front of a home, CONDO unit or garage;

           (b) The board shall adopt a resolution to amend governing documents to permit a free-standing flagpole of specific height, preferably 15' (fifteen feet), in the front, side and/or rear yard of a homeowner's parcel.

   4. Both resolutions shall be drafted to permit distribution enabling all owners to vote for approval or rejection no later than 180 days from the date the board approved the resolutions. 

   5. During said 180 day period, the Board reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions based upon legitimate public safety and property damage concerns.

   6. The board will make available to all owners, a copy of established etiquette re display of the American flag. 

Dated: _______________________________

Signature of the Board of Directors; 








                       THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

I Am the Flag of the

Of America

 I am the flag of the  United States of America.
 My name is Old Glory.
 I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
 I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
 I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
 I stand guard with power in the  world.
 Look up and see me.

I stand for peace, honor, truth and  justice.
 I stand for freedom.
I am confident.
I am arrogant.
I am  proud.

When I am flown with my fellow banners,
My head is a little  higher,
My colors a little truer.

I bow to no one!
I am recognized  all over the world.
I am worshipped - I am saluted.
I am loved - I am  revered.
I am respected - and I am feared.

I have fought in every battle 
of every war 
for more then 200 years.

I was flown at Valley Forge, 
Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox.
I was there at San Juan Hill, 
the trenches of France,
in the Argonne Forest,
Anzio, Rome and the beaches of  Normandy.

Guam, Okinawa, Korea and 
KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me.
I was  there.
I led my troops, I was dirty, battleworn and tired,
But my soldiers  cheered me and I was proud.

I have been burned, torn and trampled on the
streets of countries I have helped set free.
It does not hurt for I am  invincible.
I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and 
trampled in the streets of my country.
And when it's done by those 
Whom I've served in battle - it  hurts.
But I shall overcome - for I am strong.

I have slipped the  bonds of Earth 
and stood watch over the uncharted 
frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon.
I have borne silent witness to all of America's finest hours.

But my finest hours are yet to come.

When I am torn  into strips and used as bandages 
for my wounded comrades on the  battlefield,
When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldier,
Or when I  lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent
at the grave of their fallen son or daughter,

I am proud.

Please forward my message to all who still love and respect me
that I may fly proudly for another two hundred years.