January 6, 2003
Mr. J. McDonough, President
Hunter’s Run Homeowners’ Association
7530 Gunstock Dr.
Lakeland, Florida 33809
Mr. McDonough:
Attached is a petition to remove Mr. Gary Kauffman from the Board of Directors of the Hunter’s Run Homeowners’ Association.
There are sufficient number of votes (more than a majority of lot owners) to accomplish this action as specified in the Bylaws of the Association.
If there are any questions on this matter please feel free to contact S. R. Hudman.
I trust that quick action by the Board of Directors will finalize this action supported by members of the Association.

Your signature on this letter confirms your receipt of the original voting sheets.

                                          S. R. Hudman
                                          G. Mower
                                          E. Peeples
                                          R. L. Newman
I have received the original eleven (11) voting sheets for the action to remove Gary Kauffman from the Hunter’s Run Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors.
J. McDonough, President Hunter’s Run Homeowners’ Association

Transcript of Board Meeting
01 -13 - 2003
Transcript of tape recorded Board of Directors Meeting Jan. 13, 2003 held at Crestview Baptist Church 7:00 PM.

Board members present: 
Joe McDonough, president, 
Steven Luman, treasurer, 
Sandi Rhodig, director, 
Bill Burnette, vice-president, 
Gary Kauffman, secretary. 
Also at table Lou Ellen Wilson, manager


McDonough:  “We have a quorum established, all board members are here.  Approval of November 14, 2002 and December 16, 2002 minutes.”
McDonough:  “garbled” “motion to approve minutes”.
McDonough:  “Second?”
Rhodig: “Second”
Kauffman: “I didn’t even see the minutes until Saturday.”
McDonough:  “But you did see them Saturday, right?”
Kauffman: “Right.”
McDonough: “OK.”
Kauffman: “Someone put my name on it and I did not authorize it.”
McDonough:  “Put your name on it?”
Kauffman: “That I submitted it. But I didn’t do that.”
McDonough:   “Do you have a copy of it? Is anything incorrect?”
Kauffman: “Yes.”
McDonough: “Would like to tell me what it is?”
McDonough: “garbled”
Kauffman:  “Ah.. there is a statement in it that is incorrect.”
McDonough: “Which minutes?”
Kauffman:  “December 16. Is that the one you are talking about?”
McDonough: “Ok, we are approving both of them.”
Kauffman: “Ok. The statement that board was unanimously elected by the membership. Everyone did not receive a unanimous vote.”

Peeples: (member in audience): “Can you speak louder?”

Kauffman: “Sorry, that’s my voice. If you need to you should move closer to the front.”
McDonough:  “One second, I’ll repeat it. Let me see where he is.”
Rhodig:  “He is on this page.”
Kauffman:  “Under election of officers”.
McDonough:  “Okay.  Ahhhh. Let’s change it to approved by membership.”
Wilson:  “Wait a minute we are electing officers! The officers were duly elected.”
McDonough:  “Your right, I’m sorry”.
Rhodig:  “Yeah, this is the meeting we had after the election of officers”.
Wilson:  “This is a board meeting”.
Rhodig:  “Where we made officers”.
Kauffman: “Okay”.
McDonough:  “Any other corrections to minutes?  Motion to approve as written?  I think we have already got a second.  All in favor?” 
Board:  “Aye”
Wilson:  Is that unanimous?
McDonough:  “Yes,  correspondence is next and we have a petition to remove a board member.  Before we proceed Gary has asked to make a statement”.
Kauffman:  “I’d like to read this into the minutes if I may?”
Wilson:  “Can I have a copy?”
Kauffman:  “Yes, I have a copy for the board”.
McDonough:  “One second, did you all hear that?”
Member in audience: “No”. 
McDonough:  “Okay.”
Kauffman:  “I’ll do my best to speak up”.
McDonough:  “One second, where we are right now is the minutes have been approved for the October 14th  and Dec. 16th meetings.  We have a correspondence where we are on the agenda and a petition to remove a board member is the next subject and Gary has asked for a moment to talk so I will grant a couple of minutes before we proceed”.
Wilson:  “He has a written statement he wants to be read into the minutes and I asked for a copy of it”. 
McDonough:  “Yes”.
January 13, 2003
“To:  Joe McDonough, President
 Sandra Rhodig, Director
 Stephen Luman, Treasurer
 Bill Burnette, Vice-President

Ref: Board of Directors Meeting Jan. 13, 2003

Board Members:

My election to the Board of Directors, by legal proxy and those member’s votes who attended the election meeting, was cause for me to be properly voted into office.  I exercised my two votes (one by proxy of another member who expressed they wanted me on the board). 

I had no influence on how each member voted. Members at the meeting were told to vote for 1 to 4 candidates.  I did not ask for any proxies except from the one member who said they could not attend. Secret ballot information used in the election has been shared with a large number of members with purpose to increase dissention among the members,  again violating our governing documents.

Efforts to malign me, defame my character, and slander me by the actions of those members who hold personal grudges, resign from offices, and otherwise try to create as much animosity against me as possible does not demonstrate their desire for a harmonious community. Pitting neighbor against neighbor is detrimental to everyone. My participation in the association, by membership, committee participations, my efforts to protect all members of the association from liability, desiring cost effective budgets, compliance of laws and governing documents has been consistent to achieve that end.

Joe has informed me he has already been in contact with the attorney, Steven Mezer, to get his blessing for the actions you are taking.  I request a copy of the attorneys written opinion. Otherwise it is hearsay. In this country a person is innocent until proven guilty.  I have not participated in any action or activity, which violates my judiciary duty to the membership or the Board of Directors.  I am not a quitter and I will not resign.

According to the Florida Statutes 617 + 720, regulating not-for-profit corporations, removal of directors of the board can only be done by a called Special Meeting and a majority vote by the membership – please see exact wording on the back side of page.

Therefore, I must inform you and state for the record, the actions you are trying to undertake tonight are in violation of our Bylaws and Florida State Statutes.  Your actions will definitely endanger the welfare of this community and can be considered a breach of fiduciary duty.


Gary Kauffman
Secretary of Board of Directors.

(back side of letter noted)
617.0808 Removal of directors. -- A director may be removed from office pursuant to procedures provided in the articles of incorporation or the bylaws, which shall provide the following, and if they do not do so, shall be deemed to include the following: 
(1)  Any member of the board of directors may be removed from office with or without cause by the vote or agreement in writing by a majority of all votes of the membership. 
(2)  The notice of a meeting of the members to recall a member or members of the board of directors shall state the specific directors sought to be removed. 
(3)  A proposed removal of a director at a meeting shall require a separate vote for each board member sought to be removed. Where removal is sought by written agreement, a separate agreement is required for each board member to be removed. 
(4)  If removal is effected at a meeting, any vacancies created thereby shall be filled by the members at the same meeting. 
(5)  Any director who is removed from the board shall not be eligible to stand for reelection until the next annual meeting of the members. 
(6)  Any director removed from office shall turn over to the board of directors within 72 hours any and all records of the corporation in his or her possession. 
(7)  If a director who is removed shall not relinquish his or her office or turn over records as required under this section, the circuit court in the county where the corporation's principal office is located may summarily order the director to relinquish his or her office and turn over corporate records upon application of any member. 
FS 720.306:  (3)  SPECIAL MEETINGS.--Special meetings must be held when called by the board of directors or, unless a different percentage is stated in the governing documents, by at least 10 percent of the total voting interests of the association. Business conducted at a special meeting is limited to the purposes described in the notice of the meeting. 

Cc: File

Kauffman:  “Here’s a copy. Thank you.”
McDonough:  “Pursuant to the bylaws that govern this corporation, section 3. removal or resignation any director may be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the members of the association.  That’s the pertinent part of that paragraph we need to read. I was presented with a petition, I think most everyone here knows what the petition was. Has everyone had a chance to see it?”
Wurzer:  “I have not seen it.”
McDonough:  “Has a 143 signatures on here, has been looked at by the attorney (Steven Mezer).  Since that is a majority of the members of the association, this takes precedence as far as I understand it, as well as what the attorney is saying is cause for removal with or without cause so there is no fault blame or anything else except that 143 people have said they do not want you on the board.  According to the bylaws that’s the bottom line as far as I understand.  To make sure this is done in a proper manner.  Is there any board members who reads the bylaws any different?”
Rhodig:  “I would question what is a vote?”
McDonough:  “The attorney (Steven Mezer) says the written signature with lot number on this is enough, pursuant to what we are doing here”.
Elloit:  “Can I inspect that petition?”
McDonough:  “Sure”.
Kauffman:  “The only comment I would have is that the entire membership was not given a chance to vote."
McDonough:  “It says the majority….”
Kauffman:   “I understand, you asked if there were any questions and I responded.”
McDonough:  (garbled)
Wurzer:  “A petition is not a vote!  Irrespective of what the attorney says, I thought he was more intelligent.
McDonough:  “Okay,  I move that we, ahh, honor the petition and bylaws as written and I will make that motion as I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to do it.  Is there a second?
Burnette: “Yes”.
McDonough:  “All in favor? 
Burnette: “Aye”
Luman:  “Aye”
Kauffman:  “No”
McDonough:  “4 in favor with one no”.
Rhodig:  “I don’t want to vote”.

Wilson:  “You have to vote”

Rhodig:  “Then I prefer to abstain”
Wilson:  “You can’t abstain, you have to vote!  Kauffman can not vote”.
Kauffman:  “I have not been removed yet”
McDonough: “It don’t matter”.
Wilson:  “No, it’s a conflict of interest”.
Rhodig:  “No”.
McDonough:  “Okay, there’s a three to one.  Pursuant to that Gary, you are no longer on the board and I would ask you to leave the table and sit in the audience”.
Kauffman:  “Okay.”
McDonough:  “Okay, the next piece of business is the managers report”.
Wilson: “Okay, as of today, ah, it has been turned into our office, ah, is Adams Homes has 14 lots and Preferred Developers has one lot as of last Friday when I wrote this, although I understand that on Friday they closed on that lot so Preferred Developers is no more.
Report of Manager followed
Continued transcript:
McDonough:   “Under new business, ahh, board member appointment.  It’s ahh. Lets see, how do I want to do this?  My recommendation is that the individual who was not voted into office, but in contention for a office, be the one is asked to step up to be a board member.  And that would make, ahh,  Linder, Linda excuse me, my wife would shoot me, ahh, the ahh, next board member to be appointed.  And ahh, we need to get that done without exception.  I’d like to make that as a motion.  Any second?”
Rhodig:  “I second that.”
McDonough:  “All in favor?”
Rhodig:  “Aye”
Luman:  “Aye”
Burnette:  “Aye”
McDonough:  “It’s unanimous.   Linda, come join us.” You will be filling the position that was just vacated so you are secretary. We can’t have an organizational meeting.


Board of Directors
Hunter’s Run Homeowner’s Association

Dear Board Members:

            This letter is to inform you that I am retiring as president and board member of the Hunter’s Run Homeowner’s Association as of the closing of the special association meeting of November 12, 2001.

            I do so with many feelings, first that I was not able to accomplish what was necessary for the association to function without excessive time required by the board.

           Secondly that the harassment of a couple of members, specifically Ms. J. Wurzer and Mr. G. Kauffman, was the prevailing consumer of the boards time, and mine making it impossible to do positive projects for the association.

           I trust that my removal from the Board will allow some calming of the conflict with those members, and they will cease to be detrimental to the association time.


                                                                              S. Ray Hudman