In the wake of Kings Point tornado damage, HOA attorney urges Floridians to have a disaster plan

Article Courtesy of  Channel 25 NEWS WPBF

By Tara Jakeway

Published October 14, 2022



DELRAY BEACH -- As the residents of Kings Point continue to pick up the pieces, a local HOA lawyer explained why this is the time for all Florida residents to dot their I's and cross their T's when it comes to their plan in case a natural disaster strikes again.

"Get ready for a rainy day, it happens," attorney Peter Sachs said. He represents the Kings Point Recreational Corporation but not the residents. After working there for 50 years through, he considers many of them friends.

"The status is positive, everyone has a temporary shelter, the county is working hard to make sure everyone gets what they're entitled to," he said about the residents displaced.

Sachs explained what the tenants from the development are going through now, starting with applying for benefits.

"If they don't have insurance or enough insurance they can get help from FEMA for loans or grants," he said.

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That money can be used, he continued, to replace things like cars – good news for the owners of the vehicles captured in images flipped over and thrown about on that night.

He also announced there is a new headquarters for victims of the tornado saying, "the recreation corporation at kings point has set up an administrative facility to help people get information on what their entitlements are."

We met Sachs at the recreational clubhouse on Flanders Court, the street virtually destroyed by the F2 tornado.

"Kings point is very resilient community. People here have survived Hurricane Wilma Hurricane Frances, Hurricane Jean," he said and of the dozens of confirmed units deemed unlivable he's not sure everyone had sufficient insurance, "Check your insurance make sure that it is sufficient to replace your items in case of damage."

Sachs highly recommends all renters and homeowners in developments get their own insurance to cover their individual units just to be safe.