1280 S.W.36th Avenue, Suite 301

Pompano Beach, Florida 33069

(954) 969-1330

(954) 969-7622 & 944-0438 (Fax)


  Board of Directors

President, Robert F. Eisengrein

Exec. Vice President, Leonard Martin 

                                    Exec. Vice President, Jamison Szaras

                                                   Vice President, Phillip DiGennaro

Vice President, Edwin Willl


Date: June 24, 2008

To: Pompano Beach City Commissioners

Reference: June 10, 2008 Agenda Item 27

Subject: Palm Aire Special Recreation District Ordinance


Dear Commissioners:

My name is Robert Eisengrein. I’m a retired federal and corporate attorney and a property owner in Palm Aire and Oasis at Palm Aire for over 25 years. I am also the president of the Oasis at Palm Aire Home Owner Association. I appear before you to request a modification to this referendum on behalf of the majority of my homeowner association members.


I request that our association the Oasis at Palm Aire Homeowner Association complex off of Atlantic Blvd. be excluded from the Special Recreation District.


            The attached petition signed by ALL but one homeowner currently present in our community supports my request.


  1. Oasis at Palm Aire has 167 private homes.

  2. Our association is completely developed gated community with no possibility of further development.

  3. We do not share the same interests, problems and concerns that our Palm Aire neighbors do.

  4. We declined the opportunity to contribute to the $20/head start up fund. Our position has been known since the inception of this project.

  5. Our members see no benefit to them and are opposed to being part of this Special Recreation District.

  6. They do not wish to be burdened with the costs and controls associated with the proposed district.

  7. We are already facing a possible 5% foreclosure rate.

  8. From our standpoint, the concerns for creating the district are already protected by processes and addressed by the existing City and County Palm Aire land use plans. We elect to rely on our current governmental structure to represent us. They have been very capable in the past to represent the golf course interests. We rely on the 1985 City and County Master Plan revised down to 9724 in 2003. The Master Plan appears in individual Oasis deed restrictions.

  9. If the commission in its wisdom sees fit to approve the establishment of such a district, we are not opposed as long as we are excluded from it.

10.Our 167 homes can easily be excluded from this ordinance by removing Oasis Homeowner Association reference from Exhibit A map and by adding these words to the boundary description: “Excluding the Oasis at Palm Aire Homeowner Association complex off Atlantic Blvd also referred to on the tax rolls as Palm Aire Oak Course Estates.


Thank You


Bob Eisengrein

Valmore R. Lucier

121 Moroccan Way

Pompano Beach Fl. 33069

[email protected]

 (954) 956-0933

Date: June 24, 2008


To: Pompano Beach City Commissioners


Reference: June 10, 2008 Agenda Item 27


Subject: Palm Aire Special Recreation District Ordinance


Dear Commissioners:


            My name is Valmore Lucier . I live at 121 Moroccan Way in the Oasis At Palm Aire Homeowner Association. I support my President’s request for our exclusion from the Palm Aire Special Recreation District.


            I collected the petition signatures submitted by Mr. Eisengrein. I met with all 123 owners presently here in the community representing about 75% of all the owners. 122 of them signed the petition. I listened to the concerns expressed by my neighbors and I wish to address our exclusion request from their point of view. 


Many owners are struggling to make ends meet. Those on fixed income are especially affected. All of us are struggling daily to cope with increased taxes, insurance premiums, association assessments, utilities, prescription drugs, food, fuel costs and yes…foreclosures.


The news media gives us daily accounts of deteriorating economic conditions. For several months the Florida Legislature has been challenged to reduce the increasing tax and insurance cost burden placed on all Floridians.  This proposed referendum is counter our current economic conditions and we respectfully request to be excluded. From our standpoint this GREEN is not about GRASS it is about GREEN $$$$$ that we cannot afford to be taxed for.


            Most of us live at Oasis At Palm Aire for privacy and security not for golf or tennis. Many cannot or will not take advantage of the services afforded by this Special Recreation District, yet we will be required to pay for it. Our financial survival is of greater concern to us than the debatable possible loss of golf courses.


            We are not interested in having another layer of government with extreme financial and other governmental powers added between us and our existing city government nor do we wish to be burdened with the costs and controls associated with such an added layer of bureaucracy.


If this ordinance goes to referendum as is, 167 NO votes will have little effect if true as alleged that 80% of 7000 condo owners will vote YES thus forcing an unjustifiable tax burden on the Oasis At Palm Air Homeowner Association owners.


Our covenant never required our membership involvement in any golf course activity not to mention membership in a Special Recreation District. It is no fairer to expect the Oasis At Palm Air homeowners to pay for land use protection than it is to expect people living on the beach to pay for the parking lots.


            Again I wish to re-emphasize that if Palm Aire Condo Owners need or want a Special Recreation District to satisfy their golf course concerns we are not oppose to it, but we request to be excluded from it.


                                    Respectfully submitted


                                                                                    Valmore R. Lucier