The Speakers:
Bentley Lipscomb,
Executive Director of Florida AARP
opened a well 
organized Rally with more than 1000 participants.
Rep.Nancy Argenziano
Distr.43 - R
delivered an emotional speech! 
Congratulations and
Rep. Lois J. Frankel 
Distr.85 (D) favors reform and the need to protect our elders.
Gov.Bush promised further budget increases and his support to help our elders!
Anna Spinella, a Long Term Care activist since years told the sad story of her relatives, giving her reason to fight for betterment of living conditions in 
Nursing Homes
                                       QUALITY FIRST !
                                   (By Jan Bergemann, President CCFJ,Inc.)
AARP Florida called and more than 1000 citizens from all over Florida came to support the hotly debated issue of LONG TERM CARE. In a well organized Rally the AARP and many other organizations like CCFJ, Inc. supported legislative reform to help our elderly citizens in Nursing Homes all over Florida. The AARP strongly supports improving quality of care by increasing staffing and better training of staff, and strongly opposes the kind of tort reform which virtually eliminates the residents' right to accountability.  The industry desires onerous tort reform which will make it almost impossible for a resident or a resident's family to hold a nursing home accountable for its bad actions and failures of good care.
It is again a hard fought battle between the industry and the consumer, who has to fight the deep pocket corporations. In this case the consumers have found some legislative gladiators, who are willing to stand up against the temptation of campaign funding.
                                   " QUALITY FIRST "
was the battle cry of the supporters at this rally, who finally made their voices heard on the steps of the Capitol. This is not only a battle fought for the people in Nursing Homes in the moment, but as well a big stepping stone for the future. Do you know, when you or one of your loved ones will be in need of Nursing Home Care? 
Nancy Argenziano, Distr.43(R) delivered a very emotional speech in support of the long overdue reform. She asked for everybody's support, because the stakes are high and the industry pulled out all the big guns to override these proposed reforms. They are trying to avoid the responsibility for failures to provide the care and are attempting to pass legislation, which will prevent citizens from taking them to court for their mistakes. They use the excuse of high insurance premiums and the threat of the industry pulling out of Florida.
Other states have tried it to no avail. As long as the CEOs and Presidents of these corporations are making millions of $$$s a year in salaries, it seems to be ridiculous to talk about a crisis. It clearly shows the profits being made by these huge corporations at the expense of the elderly, sometimes totally helpless citizens of our State.
Nancy Argenziano underlined the necessity for these reforms in order to protect the welfare of our seniors. She definitely deserves the support of all citizens in her undertaking.

Representative Lois Frankel spoke very much in favor of needed reform. She spoke of the obligation our generation owes our elders, who helped make our country what it is today. Reasonable reforms, which will help the people in Nursing Homes, is imperative. Proper financing and necessary staffing are overdue and need to be regulated by our government agencies.
The legislature has the obligation to find a way to make these reforms reasonable for all parties involved. She emphasized the need for quality care and her hope that the legislature will find a solution to these obvious problems during this session. She definitely agreed with the battle cry of the assembled citizens for "Quality First"!

Governor Jeb Bush, accompanied by Lt. Governor Frank Brogan, spoke of helping our Elders in all kinds of issues. He underlined the statement made in the proposed budget, which was increased again in regards to drugs and medicare. 
He underlined as well the need for good Long Term Care and pledged his support for these reforms.  He believes that at least three major components are necessary: 
1) improving the quality of care in nursing homes with an additional $46 million investment
2) providing more alternatives to nursing homes by investing $54 million in community and home based care, and
3) implementing reasonable litigation reform and measures that will help stabilize the insurance rates for quality providers of long term care services. He assured the many interested citizens present that the Governor's Administration is committed to insuring that nursing homes in the state of Florida provide the highest quality services to Florida's most fragile citizens.

The most emotional speech was given by our friend Anna Spinella. Anna is a long time activist for Long Term Care Reform. She spoke with tears the story of three of her close relatives, who lived and died in Nursing Homes under most incredible circumstances. She testified in front of various committees and pleaded for necessary reforms for several years. She told of the horror stories she heard from people in Nursing Homes. She told of the problems of insufficient staffing, of nurses, who only have two hands but 20 people in need. She spoke about the unwillingness of the industry to supply the much needed help for these people, who are fighting to get everything necessary done, but fail because of lack of help. 
Anna pleaded for help from our legislators to support these reforms and for betterment of the lives of our citizens living in Nursing Homes.
If you heard her speech you know why these reforms need your support. She pleaded with the citizens of the State of Florida: let your local legislators know that you support this cause and urge them to make the right decision in the upcoming votes in favor of these reforms.
Through Anna's initiative members of CCFJ, Inc. passed around cards, which many of the supporters signed with names of loved ones who live or died in Nursing Homes. Hundreds of cards were returned, quite a few even telling some sad stories. These cards will be presented to the Governor to show how big the real problem is. If you want to add your card or your story, please send an e-mail to Anna Spinella at : [email protected]

The whole issue is another example of the ongoing fight between consumers and industry. The well paid lobbyists for the industry are trying again to prevent any kind of reform in favor of the consumer.
Please let your local representative know, how you feel about it and ask them to support the AARP position. Let your legislators know that they vote for the people, the voters in this State of Florida, and not in favor of campaign funding. Tell your legislators that you support increased staffing and better
training for staff, and oppose tort reform which reduces industry accountability. Let them know that the next election is coming up sooner than they think and that they possibly need your vote to get re-elected. Their final vote on this issue will be noted.
Tell the legislators who are supporting these reforms and are under heavy attack by industry, lobbyists and organizations claiming to support the consumer, but being established and paid for by the industry, that your vote will support them in the next election.
The forceful weapon of us, WE THE PEOPLE, is our vote in the next election. Use this weapon against the almighty dollar of the industry! 
                                          SUPPORT THESE REFORMS !
        Maybe you will be in need of Nursing Home Care one day in the future?

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